A Guide to Raising Godly Children with Strong Faith

Need help raising godly children in today’s society? Discover some practical strategies and resources from a mom who’s right there with you! Learn more about our family here.

a boy and a girl sitting on a chair with eyes closed and folded hands

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Why Should We Be Raising Godly Children?

Well, because the Bible says so!

Deuteronomy 6:7-9 states, “Impress [these commandments] on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.”

The key to raising godly children is stated simply and clearly in these verses. If we want our children to follow God, we must make Him a part of our everyday experiences. We must teach them diligently to see God in all aspects of life, not just those that are church related.

Ephesians 6:4 reads, “Parents, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”

Our purpose is to help children grow into mature adults and Christians. We must be diligent to give them the instruction and encouragement that is vital to their upbringing.

Providing kids with spiritual guidance affects their character and teaches them right versus wrong.

The bottom line is that children require guidance in every area of their life. Their spiritual development is no different.

So, what characteristics should we focus on while raising godly children?

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Characteristics for Raising Godly Children

God gave us the 9 fruits of the Spirit for every Christian to strive for in Galatians 5:22-23.

Let’s use these as our guidance for raising godly children:

  • Love
  • Joy
  • Peace
  • Patience
  • Kindness
  • Goodness
  • Faithfulness
  • Gentleness
  • Self-Control

Some others characteristics to strive for from Focus on the Family include:

  • Sexual Purity
  • Honesty
  • Humility
  • Orderliness
  • Cleanliness
  • Selflessness
Pin Image for Raising Godly Children with a boy and girl praying

Raising Godly Children in Today’s Culture

Focus on the Family writes about this topic in their article, “Raising Godly Kids in an Ungodly World”. They suggest talking about Jesus’ teachings regularly, especially in unplanned moments.

They also suggest we communicate with them about the evil they’re seeing in this world. Now, depending on your child’s age, these conversations will look different.

While my twins are 4 years old, I’m still sheltering them from what today’s culture deems as “normal”. Almost everything in their life is filtered, from their toys and their shows, to their friends and their extra curricular activities.

With that being said, they are very slowly being introduced to the evil in this world, but there is PLENTY of evil within our own hearts that can be used for teachable moments.

My hope is that my children build a solid faith foundation before they face any major spiritual challenges out in this world.

Tips for Raising Godly Children

These tips have helped me with raising my twins up to be godly children.

First, Thank God

There are so many opportunities throughout the day to thank God. We can thank Him for toys, parks, family members, food, community gardens, His love, anything! He gives us everything that is good.

Whether you are doing your normal routine or something special, thank God for it! Ask your child what they are thankful for, and then thank God for those things too.

a boy and a girl digging in a planter box of dirt

Read a Kid’s Bible and/or Devotional

My favorite Bibles I’ve read with my 4 year old twins are The Read and Share Toddler Bible, and The Beginner’s Bible. The pictures are beautiful and the stories are written perfectly for young children.

I especially like The Read and Share Toddler Bible because at the end of every chapter, it offers a follow-up question and/or activity to do with your child.

Since my children turned 4, I’ve introduced two devotionals, which are The Beginner’s Bible: 365 Devotions for Kids and How Great Is Our God: 100 Indescribable Devotions About God and Science.

My kids have LOVED these devotionals, and they inspire some great conversations!

a girl laying on a couch, reading a child bible

Have Worship Dance Parties

Turn on some kids worship music and dance together. A good friend of mine gave us the idea to use play scarves to make this time extra special.

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Discover how to find joy in homemaking, have a peaceful home, and inspire your littles to learn!

Pray Together

Praying is an important aspect of raising godly children. Try praying together throughout the day.

The prayers do not need to be lengthy. They can be quick, short prayers asking for God’s protection, wisdom, or joy.

Throughout the day, some prayer opportunities include:

  • First thing in the morning
  • Before meals
  • Before or while driving somewhere
  • When someone is scared or angry
  • When someone has misbehaved
  • Before bed

Memorize Scripture

Memorizing God’s word is a weekly activity in our house while Awana is in session. If you do not know what Awana is, I explain it more in depth down below.

When memorizing scripture, be sure to add hand/body movements or put it to a song to help your little one remember it.

The best part about this is that YOU get to memorize scripture as well!

Pin Image for Raising Godly Children with a girl reading a child bible on a couch

Check Their Heart

Check in with your child’s heart for more teachable moments. Consider asking them these questions:

  • Are you mad at anybody?
  • Did you laugh when someone got hurt?
  • Do you need to apologize to anyone?
  • Do you need to forgive anyone?

Children who’s hearts are in the right place are better equipped to face other challenges.

Attend Church

Attending church as a family improves a child’s spiritual development. It gives them a sense of community and strengthens family bonds.

If possible, find a church that both you and your children enjoy. If the church captures the heart of your child, they might possibly encourage you to go on those Sundays you’re feeling a little lazy. 😉

a family photo at church

Register Them for Awana

If raising godly children is your goal, I highly recommend registering your kids for Awana!

Awana is a weekly discipleship program for children ages 2-18. It’s offered all around the world, and their curriculum teaches kids and their families about the gospel.

My kids LOVE it, and I do too.

I love that the curriculum lays out exactly how to teach spiritual concepts at the child’s developmental level.

Also, a bonus is the Christian community that it provides. My children’s peers and leaders are such a blessing!

a boy and a girl wearing their awana cubby vests with their end of the year awana medals

Have Conversations About God in Front of Your Child

After church, strike up a conversation about the sermon with your partner or a friend. Share what you thought was interesting or thought-provoking.

Invite your child to join the conversation!

Admit When You Don’t Know

Kids become good at asking really hard spiritual questions at a young age.

Don’t be afraid to admit when you don’t know the answer.

Tell them that you will find out the answer, or research it together!

What Are Your Thoughts on Raising Godly Children?

Did I miss any big ones that you’ve found helpful with your kids? Comment below. I’d love to hear from you!

Also, check out more Tips to Guide Your Child’s Spiritual Growth here.

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  1. These are such great tips for such an important topic! I’m a firm believer that we should sow the seeds of God’s Word into children’s hearts on a daily basis. The return on investment is ENORMOUS. Great post!

  2. Thank you for discussing this topic. Love all of these ideas!