5-Step Simple Morning Routine to Revitalize Your Life

Ever find yourself a bit worn out from the stay-at-home mom routine? Revitalize your days with this 5-step simple morning routine that works wonders!

Discover the magic of waking up before the kids, spending precious moments with Jesus, and unlocking supernatural strength for the day ahead. Transform your daily routine and view your life in a whole new light!

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What is a Simple Morning Routine?

There are many variations on morning routines out there.

This is the routine I follow that has given me a zest for life:

  1. Take a shower.
  2. Have a change of clothes already prepped and ready for you in the bathroom.
  3. Prepare your coffee machine the night before.
  4. Read your bible, read a book, and/or stretch.
  5. Do something that excites you!

Are you feeling sluggish and unmotivated to face another day at home with your children? Are you constantly feeling behind and unfulfilled in your daily tasks?

This routine was slowly cultivated over time out of desperation. I was not enjoying my life at home with my two year old twins. I was always feeling tired and like I was a sub-par mother to my daughter and son.

For so long, I used them as my alarm clock. 

When they yelled for me in the morning, I was up… eventually. I might have let them stir in their beds for 10-15 minutes before I actually went to get them, begrudgingly. 

Once I began waking up before my kids and implementing this 5-step simple morning routine, it changed everything! It changed my entire mindset on my roles as a homemaker and as a mother!

To get the most out of my mornings, I need to start my routine at least 1.5 hours before they wake up. If that sounds too early to you, start small! Waking up even 30 minutes earlier will improve your mental health!

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Waking up early changes your entire mindset on life. 

It gives you a chance to feel happy, fulfilled, and accomplished all before your real duties begin as a mom. 

An early morning routine gives you a chance to shake off any negativity that happened yesterday, and start with a fresh perspective today. 

It allows you to be the best version of yourself to your kids each morning. Even if by the afternoon, you’re the worst version of yourself again. 

Ugh.. mom life is hard. 

Let’s commit to being better together! 

It starts with doing a few things for yourself before you start pouring your soul into your kids. 

5-Step Simple Morning Routine for stay-at-home moms Pinterest Pin graphic


This 5-step simple morning routine begins by jumping in the shower as soon as you wake up.  

If you like to be woken up gradually, keep the light dim and keep the water warm.

If you’re worried you’ll get back in bed after the shower, turn on that bright light and turn the water to cold. Let it run cold for as long as you can stand it. 

This wakes up your body and makes you feel refreshed and ready to take on your morning routine! 

By doing this first thing in the morning, now there’s no excuse for not showering everyday.

I used to throw myself a pity party constantly for “not getting a chance to take a shower”.

Don’t get me wrong, this still happens every once in a while. Hard days and weeks still exist.

But it feels so empowering to say that I get to shower and put myself together daily now!

You can do this too mama!

Morning Routine 1. Shower 2. Change of Clothes in Bathroom 3. Coffee Machine 4. Mental Health Activity 5. Something Exciting


The next important step to this simple morning routine is to prep the clothes you’ll wear the night before, and leave them in the bathroom.

We don’t want any excuses to go back into the bedroom and “accidentally” fall back in bed! 

That is if you keep your clothes in your bedroom. 

Half the time, my clothes are still in a pile in the laundry room, and that’s where I get dressed.

Once you’re dressed, quickly do anything else that you need to do physically to be ready for the day.

Brush your hair. Clip it back.

Add some light makeup. Let your natural beauty shine!

Now that you’re ready, there will be no rushing around getting yourself ready 10 minutes before you need to leave with the kiddos to wherever you’re going that day! You’re already taken care of.

You ready for the next step? Let’s make our way to the kitchen.

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Step 3 to this simple morning routine is to prep that coffee machine the night before! 

If you have an old school coffee pot like me, set the water and measure out the coffee grounds. 

Set the timer too, if you’ve got it, so your coffee starts brewing at the same time you get in the shower. 

The sweet aroma will entice you to make your way into the kitchen. 

If you have an espresso machine, choose your pod the night before, and set your coffee mug under the spout. 

All you have to do is press the button in the morning! 

I rarely enjoy a hot cup of coffee. Iced coffee always taste better to me.

I used to brew a pot of coffee, wait until it cooled down, and then add ice to it.

Then I discovered this Cold Brew Iced Coffee Maker, which is now a staple in our home.

I’ll either add coffee grounds directly to the filter it comes with, and let it chill in the fridge overnight.

Or, I will brew a pot of coffee (since my husband likes it hot), and then I’ll add the remainder to this pitcher.

I’ll store it in the fridge for a few days until it runs out, and then repeat the process all over again.

View this Cold Brew Iced Coffee Maker on Amazon


Next, I want you to do something for your mental health.

This part of the simple morning routine can look like a lot of different things. 

A combination of these four things help me a lot!

First, spend time with Jesus.

Read the bible, spend time in prayer, and journal your thoughts. 

Nothing is better for the soul than spending time with Jesus. 

He renews me, especially when the previous day was a hard one.

Who am I kidding? Most days are hard ones.

When I am honest with the Lord about where I’m struggling, He gives me endless grace, forgiveness, and understanding.  But it starts by being open and vulnerable with Him, which is not easy.

Second, read a devotional or a book.

Read something that will help you learn or grow as a person.

There are lots of self-help books out there. Two Christian books that I am currently loving are The Love Dare and The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry: How to stay emotionally healthy and spiritually alive in the chaos of the modern world.

The Love Dare is a 40-day challenge for husbands and wives to understand and practice unconditional love.

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry teaches you how to slow down and enjoy the blessings God has given you.

Third, breathe! 

Do some breathing exercises. 

Just sit there, close your eyes and take some deep breaths. 

Try not to think about anything. 

Easier said than done, I know. 

Picture a black wall in your mind, and hold this image for as long as you can. 

Take deep breaths throughout this exercise. 

This is actually really beneficial to do in the middle of the day when the kids are driving me crazy and I need a little mental break.

Fourth, stretch. 

Stretching is so good for relieving the stiffness in your body from sleeping all night. 

There are great stretching videos on YouTube. 

They have different time lengths as well. 

If you only want to spend 5, 10, or 15 minutes, specifically search for that, and you’ll find many options. 

If your back is not what it used to be because you’re holding babies and toddlers, and always sitting in funny positions to accommodate them, then check out this 12 Minute Yoga for Upper Back Pain Video.

Lord knows I should be doing this every day!


Now, this is my favorite part of my simple morning routine!

This is what really motivates me to wake up in the morning. 

It’s time to do something that excites you!

Do something that you’ve REALLY been wanting to do that you can’t do while your kids are awake. 

But wait…

Can you do this thing while also tackling a household chore?

Let’s get ahead on our tasks for the day while doing something that we enjoy.

Are you taking an interesting online course? Watch it while folding laundry!

Is there a podcast you want to start listening to? Pop in those AirPods and clean the bathroom. 

Is there a Netflix show you’ve been dying to watch? Prop up your phone on the kitchen counter, and watch it while unloading the dishwasher. 

Or, clean those dishes you never got to from the night before. 😉

I’m all about multi-tasking! Plus, household chores are more enjoyable when you pair them with watching or listening to something interesting!

But what if the thing that excites you requires your complete attention? 

I’m here to tell you that’s okay! Spend this time devoting yourself to it wholeheartedly. 

Those chores can wait!

This time is for you, mama! Enjoy it! 

Join the Life with Littles Club!

Discover how to find joy in homemaking, have a peaceful home, and inspire your littles to learn!


That’s the 5-step simple morning routine that changed my life as a mom! 

If you put these practices in place, soon you will be looking forward to having this time each morning! 

I’m excited for you to try it! 

Are your kids interrupting your morning quiet time? It’s so easy to set them up in front of a screen.

I get it. I’ve done this plenty of times.

If you’re looking for other ways to manage this early morning time with your kids, read How to Reduce Screen Time for Preschoolers.

Let me know if you have any questions in the comment section below. If you already wake up before your kids, what does your morning routine look like?

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  1. I love the bear activity, and the coffee saving idea!

  2. These things are so simple and helpful! I find I am so much more productive and in a better mood if I wake up, read my Bible, and do something for me/around the house before the kids wake up. Thank you for the post!

    1. Kathleen, yes my mood is totally different after I do some things for myself (and by myself) in the morning!

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    1. Hey Laurence, thank you for your kind words. I’m happy to hear you found this helpful!