Fruit of the Spirit Peace Lesson + FREE PRINTABLE
Searching for how to teach kids about the Fruit of the Spirit Peace?
This FREE done-for-you lesson guide includes discussion scripts, a Bible story, an engaging song, a captivating video lesson, a hands-on activity, and a challenge to live out “peace” in real life.
The best part is that it uses materials you already have at home! No need to buy anything extra!
Let’s go!

To get a glimpse of teaching each Fruit of the Spirit with FREE digital resources, check out Teach Godly Character to Kids with the Fruit of the Spirit.
Supplies: Fruit of the Spirit Peace
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- The Beginner’s Bible or any regular Bible
- FREE Fruit of the Spirit Printable (download below)
- Access to YouTube
- Scarves or play silks (optional)
Have this lesson prepared before your child wakes up in the morning with this simple morning routine.
These lessons are designed to go in order. If you missed it, start by teaching the first Fruit of the Spirit Love.
Kid’s Lesson: Fruit of the Spirit Peace
In Galatians 5:22, Paul explains that if we love Jesus and try to be like him, the Holy Spirit produces fruit within us.
He states, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” (Galatians 5:22 CEB)
This kids lesson about the Fruit of the Spirit Peace includes:
- Discussion Scripts – Questions and discussions written for you
- Song – A whole-body experience
- Bible Story – What does the Bible say about the Fruit of the Spirit Peace?
- Hands-On Activity – Put it into practice
- 5-Minute Family Devotional Video (Created by Minno Kids) – Summarize and Review
- Challenge – How can we live out the Fruit of the Spirit Peace this week?
Let us nurture our children’s young hearts with this comprehensive lesson for kids on the Fruit of the Spirit Peace!

Introduce the Fruit of the Spirit Peace
The scripts throughout this lesson are italicized and in quotations. Feel free to adapt as needed.
“Today, we will be learning more about the Fruit of the Spirit. Remember, when we love Jesus and try to be like him, the Holy Spirit produces fruit within us. It is called the Fruit of the Spirit because each fruit comes from the _______.“ See if they can fill in the blank with “Holy Spirit”!
“So, we already learned about the first and second Fruits of the Spirit, Love and Joy. Now, we are onto the third Fruit of the Spirit, ‘Peace’.”
Have your child say “peace” out loud. Then find “peace” on the free Fruit of the Spirit printable (grab the download above).
“What is peace?”
“Peace is a special superpower from God. It’s like a shield that protects your heart. So, when something makes you feel sad or worried, God’s peace helps you stay happy and strong inside.”
Sing a Song
“We’re going to sing a song that has the first 3 Fruits of the Spirit: Love, Joy, and Peace. The song talks about having these in our souls, which is like our hearts.”
“Let’s get up and copy the movements in the video as we’re singing the song!”
Offer scarves or play silks if your child wishes to use those instead of copying the movements.
Then sing and dance to the song Peace Like a River as many times as your child’s heart desires!
Read a Bible Story
Let’s turn this Bible story into a full blown lesson!
Open your Beginner’s Bible to page 334 (the story of Jesus Calms the Storm). If you don’t have this Bible, you can read it from this link Matthew 8:23-27. Or, use another children’s Bible.
Before reading the story, look at the pictures with your child and encourage them to make predictions: “What do you think this story is about? How does this story relate to the Fruit of the Spirit Peace?”
Then read it, and ask your child predictive questions throughout: “What do you think will happen next? If they do that, what might happen? What would you do? “
Relate it back to the Fruit of the Spirit Peace: “In this story, the waves were calm and peaceful at first. The disciples and Jesus were feeling peaceful too.
Then a big storm came, which made huge waves! The disciples began shouting at each other because they were scared the boat would tip over and sink! They were no longer feeling peace.
They woke up Jesus, and Jesus told the storm to stop. Then what happened?
The storm listened to Him! The waves became calm and peaceful again. The disciples felt peaceful again too.“

Hands-On Activities
This activity does not require any materials. You will walk your child through a short visualization meditation.
“Let’s think back to the story we just read about the big storm. I want you to close your eyes, and imagine you’re in a boat on a lake in the middle of a huge storm. There’s loud thunder above you and huge waves all around you. The waves are crashing onto you, and you almost fall out of the boat into the ocean.
How are you feeling?
“Now, imagine Jesus is right next to you. He holds you tight, and a strong bubble shield forms around the both of you. You are completely protected in this bubble. You can no longer feel the rocking boat or the splashing waves. Everything is calm and peaceful.
How are you feeling now?”
“When you feel safe and protected, that is the superpower of the Fruit of the Spirit Peace.”
Watch a Video Lesson
“Now, we’re going to watch a video about what the Bible says about the Fruit of the Spirit Peace.”
Watch Peace for Kids then answer the discussion questions and recite the prayer.
Challenge: How Can We Live Out the Fruit of the Spirit Peace?
At least 3 times this week, help your child envision Jesus protecting them. Walk them through a short visualization meditation.
You can use the same one that’s in the Hands-On Activity, or you can create your own that’s unique to your child’s struggles. Have them imagine Jesus holding them tight, giving them a big hug, telling them they are safe, etc.
If an opportunity arises, help your child when they are feeling scared by walking them through the same process of envisioning Jesus protecting them in the moment.
“Remember, peace is like a superpower from God that protects your heart. God’s peace helps you stay happy and strong inside. That’s what the third Fruit of the Spirit Peace is all about!”
Pin this lesson for later!

Are you asking yourself what else you can be doing to teach your child about Jesus? Raising godly children requires a multifaceted approach. Check out Raising Godly Children: Build a Strong Faith Foundation for more ideas!