How to Enjoy Cleaning Your Home – 7 Easy Tips

As a mom of littles, there’s always something to clean! Is cleaning becoming a monotonous dreaded task? Spice things up with these 7 tips for how to enjoy cleaning your home as a mom. 

A woman trying to enjoy cleaning her kitchen is holding a spray bottle and a towel.

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Don’t Have Time to Enjoy Cleaning?

I get it! There is never enough time in the day to clean everything that needs to be cleaned.

You may keep up on cleaning main surfaces throughout the day, like the kitchen table and counters, but bigger cleaning projects? Those are being neglected.

The truth is you do not need hours and hours to complete these “bigger”, dreaded cleaning tasks. Spend just 10 minutes a day chipping away at one of them, and you’ll see that it actually takes less time than you thought!

Pinterest Graphic: 7 Tips that will make you enjoy cleaning. A clean kitchen.

1. Change Your Perspective

I challenge you to change your perspective so you can begin to enjoy cleaning your home!

  • Be grateful. Instead of thinking of it as a burden, consider it a blessing to care for your home. 
  • Imagine the end result. Dream up a spotless room before you dive in. 
  • Consider it exercise! We could all use a little more of that, am I right?
  • Practice mindfulness. Focus on the sensations and movements involved in cleaning.
A clean, decluttered, bright kitchen with an island and dining table.

2. Break it Down Now, Y’all

Break down the big task into more manageable steps. It’s overwhelming looking at a big mess all at once. Try to choose one area and start there.

Pro Tip: Don’t move on until that one area is complete!

3. Blast Your Favorite Tunes

Put on some music and crank it up! Who doesn’t love a feel-good pump up song?

Music has the power to change your mood! Sometimes this boost is just enough to feel empowered to tackle the overwhelming task ahead. 

So, blast your favorites while tackling those household chores, and watch how you begin to enjoy cleaning!

Check out this Cleaning the House Playlist for some song inspiration!

4. Involve the Kids

It’s always more fun when others are helping! Involve the kids so you can all enjoy cleaning together!

  • Race them. Who can finish their area first? You or the kids? 
  • Beat the timer. Can you finish cleaning your area before the timer goes off?
  • Have a dance party. Blast your favorite songs and boogie while you clean up!

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    5. Reward Yourself

    Reward yourself and the kids after the task is complete. Don’t forget to acknowledge everyone’s hard work!

    Reward ideas include eating a favorite snack, watching a show, or reading a book! 

    Or maybe, just maybe… you read a book while the kids watch a show!

    I know what you’re thinking… “I don’t have time to sit!” But I encourage you to enjoy doing something for yourself for just 10 minutes! You NEED this mental break before diving back into all the tasks you are managing!

    A mom and daughter smiling at each other while taking a bite out of a donut after they just enjoyed cleaning their kitchen

    6. Make it Smell Good

    Excite your senses by lighting a scented candle or adding your best essential oils to your diffuser.

    If you enjoy the aroma in the room while you’re cleaning, this tricks your brain into thinking that you actually enjoy cleaning!

    7. Do it First Thing in the Morning

    Tackle the most dreaded cleaning task first thing in the morning! This will give you a sense of accomplishment and empower you to feel more productive the rest of the day. 

    This idea is sometimes referred to as “eating the frog”. Eating a frog is not desirable, but if you do it first thing in the morning, you’re not worried and stressed about it all day while you’re procrastinating. Check out this Minimal Mom Frog Planner (Free Printable).

    Consider even tackling this task before the kids wake up with this 5-Step Simple Morning Routine.

    Now, I Challenge You to Enjoy Cleaning!

    Cleaning doesn’t have to be a dreaded task. By applying some or all of these tips, you can turn cleaning your home into an enjoyable experience!

    I challenge you to choose at least one of these tips and incorporate them into your cleaning routine this week. Tell me which one(s) you chose in the comment section below!

    Let’s get to cleaning with a cheerful heart! 🙂

    Pinterest Graphic: How to Enjoy Cleaning your Home. 7 Tips that will Trick your brain. A woman is dancing while moping her kitchen.

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    1. I listen to audiobooks when I clean, which is perfect because I have a reading challenge for the year! I actually look forward to my listening time in order to keep up with my 40 books for the year challenge. My main motivation is remembering how i feel when my home is clean, or imagining the horror i would feel if I had unexpected guests 🤣

    2. Such good advice. Attitude makes a huge difference that’s for sure! I love the feeling of a clean home and clean clothes. Really lifts the spirit! Thanks!

    3. great tips! 5, 6 and 7 make a huge difference for me! Smell is my biggest pet peeve and if it smells good I feel motivated to have my visual match my nose lol And I prefer to start my day with chores too, it’s like i can mentally relax the rest of the day!

    4. Visualizing a clean home always motivated me! These are great tips!